Traditional Media: the new age into marketing!

Source: Robert Sharp & Associates

We are now in a digital age where it seems that most aspects of marketing have become digital, providing many benefits; it’s affordable, can reach to many consumers and endless personalisation. In comparison to their traditional counterpart who is seen as an approach that is slowly decaying. Many people including those younger audiences in particular may not see the importance of traditional media thanks to the heavy influence of social media such as TikTok and Instagram.

New marketers must not succumb to the use of only digital media and jump into what is trending currently online, but to understand how traditional media works in this digital age. Below are examples of how traditional media can be used with digital media:

Advertise your business with Print media

Businesses can run print media (can include business packaging and promotional materials) in their stores and other areas that include their website and social media handles. They can also use a QR code for those who are tech savvy.

Digital clutter

As most users are spending their time online, it seems they are becoming numb to the constant digital advertisements displayed on their screens, becoming frustrated thanks to those ads that are not skippable. By using traditional media instead, it creates engagement through watching television ads and read print media that they have received; especially those brands that they enjoy.

Enhanced creativity

Source: Marketing Mag

Coca-Cola has done a great job combining online with traditional. Their ‘Share a Coke’ campaign allowed consumers to find labels of their own names and the names of their friends (using a traditional approach). These labels included a hashtag which encouraged consumers to share and tag their friends online (online approach).

So now that we have seen how vital traditional media can be and how it blends well with digital media, we as marketers of the new age must not look at that one easy path, but to always explore the others for greater opportunities.

One response to “Traditional Media: the new age into marketing!”

  1. Hello Edmer this blog is really fun and investing to read I really liked how you used Coca Cola as an example of traditional media. Traditional media is just as important as digital. I would have liked to learn more about traditional media and maybe you could have gone into more depth about why its so important and Maybe explain the examples a bit more. The blog was designed really nicely and cute. Keep up the great work 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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